Explore all things gap year through stories and anecdotes by gappers, families and experts. Fun to listen to but also jam-packed with tips and tricks for making the most of your gap year. No matter who you are or where you are on your gap year journey, you should be listening to the Gap Year Podcast! Although it is produced for Canadians, the content is universal.

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
The Impact of Biases on Decision Making
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
When you’re making a decision, there’s often a few ways you gather information before moving forward.
Like doing your own research, weighing the decision on your own, and seeking the opinions of others.
Asking mom. Asking dad. Asking friends and asking influencers. And when we say “influencer”, we’re not talking about the YouTube or Instagram influencers you follow, we’re talking about the everyday people in your life that you know and trust.
However, the opinions, or shall we say biases, we seek out from others are often based on the context of the decision we have to make.
For example, who would you turn to before trying out a new hairstyle or new game? Who would you talk to if you wanted to adopt a dog? Or maybe a cat?
Now think: who are you seeking support from in making a decision about your post-secondary pathway? See how heavy that sits compared to a new hairstyle?
In this episode, Michelle shares why it’s important to be intentional about who you ask for an opinion, and consider the lived experiences and biases of these individuals. She also covers a few common scenarios you may be facing in your post-secondary decision making process, and how to ensure you’re making an informed decision that works for YOU.
Psst: Guidance counselors! This episode is for you, too!
Need additional support in your post-secondary decision making? Grab our worksheet! Or book a call with a CanGap gap year expert (like Michelle!) to help you in deciding if a gap year is right for you.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
How to travel and make money on your gap year as an AuPair with Natalia
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Do you enjoy working with kids, would love to stay with a host family abroad, are up for adventure AND looking to make some money? Maybe becoming an AuPair is a good fit for your gap year experience!
Natalia joins Michelle on the podcast to share the AuPair experience as the Marketing Coordinator at AuPair in America, connecting young adults across the world to AuPair opportunities in the United States.
So, what exactly is an AuPair?
An AuPair is an individual who travels to a different country and lives with a host family as a child-care provider. AuPair, meaning “On Par”, or equal to, isn’t just about being the babysitter or nanny, it’s about becoming a part of a host family and exploring a different culture and country.
So, what type of people would make a great AuPair?
- You’ve just finished highschool or higher education and are not quite sure of what you want to do next (ahem, a Gapper!).
- You’re interested in taking an intentional break from formal education and living in a new environment.
- You’re interested in making some money.
- You have 200 hours of childcare experience.
- You like travelling, making new friends, meeting new people, and improving your English (or foreign language) skills.
- You want to develop your skills, especially if they are going into education and childcare.
Interest in learning more about AuPair in America? Click here!

Friday Nov 12, 2021
How to find a career you will LOVE with Sarah Vermut
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
If you are feeling lost or stuck about which direction to take your career, this episode is for you!
Sarah, career coach and founder of Careergasm, shares totally valuable tips and insight to take the edge off these decisions and get you on the right path to move you forward.

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
5 Reflections for Educators in a Post-Pandemic World
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
“How will we teach in a post-pandemic Canada?” asked VoicEd Radio to educators.
Michelle Dittmer, a former high school biology teacher and now Gap Year expert, took intentional time to really think about the how. And in this episode, she’s sharing her insight and framework which answers “what? So what? And now what?”

Friday Oct 29, 2021
5 Gap Year Takeaways with Tanisha
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Imagine this: it’s a beautiful afternoon in late August and school is just around the corner. Suddenly, an opportunity comes along inviting you to work at a start-up downtown Toronto researching Quantum Computer and there’s an awesome apartment lease waiting for your signature.
Which do you choose?
For Tanisha, she chose her passion for Quantum Computing. Listen to her captivating story!

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Learning Service with THE Expert: Claire Bennett
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Alum Series: Madelyn talks Katimavik and Mid-Uni Breaks
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Madelyn Steed, the Board Member and Co-Founder of the CanGap Association shares how her Gap Year came about and her developmental experience with Katimavik. The exploration and experiential learning she did through her time with Katimavik set her life on a completely different trajectory, and has helped her make a stronger impact in the world around.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Gap Year Frosh Week: Beat FOMO with the Ultimate Frosh Week!
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
One of the worst feelings ever is FOMO, the fear of missing out! For many gappers, September is one of the most difficult times, you see your friends move into nice dorms, make new friends and have these memorable experiences! However, this is just a small piece of your journey and soon you will have exciting adventures to share and you won’t be stressing about midterms!
You also want to kickstart your gap year with an epic Frosh Week and this year we are hosting a FREE 3 Day Frosh Event from September 14-16! Mark your calendars and get your tickets at https://www.cangap.ca/frosh because you DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT!!
It is time to STOP second guessing your decision and kick your FOMO in the butt!! Launch into your unique year of self-discovery, growth and adventure with the Gap Year Frosh Week!

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Gapper Series: The Value of Learning a Language on your Gap Year with Sandy
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
When we think about exploring different cultures, oftentimes we think about places outside of our Canadian border, places like Santorini, Greece; Tokyo, Japan; or even Sydney, Australia. However, taking a step back, there are so many places that are enriched with fascinating experiences, delicious food, kind people and amazing festivals, like the Quebecois culture!
In today’s episode, Sandy shares her experience with the Explore Program, where she was able to learn the French language through experiential learning in Quebec!
Check out the Explore Program!

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Gapper Series: Olivier Shares his Thoughts on Entrepreneurship
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Most grade 12’s are presented with 3 options for Post-Secondary. University, College, or the Workplace. However, are these the only viable options for students? What about taking a gap year, and using this time to learn more about yourself, your values, your interests, and maybe even starting your own business?!
Listen to Olivier’s journey to taking a gap year, what he has been up to, and his entrepreneurial tips!