Explore all things gap year through stories and anecdotes by gappers, families and experts. Fun to listen to but also jam-packed with tips and tricks for making the most of your gap year. No matter who you are or where you are on your gap year journey, you should be listening to the Gap Year Podcast! Although it is produced for Canadians, the content is universal.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
When Nazra Noushad asked herself who she wanted to be in 10 years, she determined a gap year would help her become that person. In this episode, Nazra shares why and how she chose to take a gap year, how she told her mother, the opportunities she had and how her real world experience has set her up to thrive when she goes back to university.
Twitter: @nazranoushad
Instagram: @nazranoushad

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Every kid is different and so is their journey. Not everyone is meant to pursue post-secondary education right after highschool; a gap year could be the best decision you ever help your kids make. Take Mary Boynton's experience for example, she is the mother of twin boys, who both decided to take a gap year in 2019. In this episode, Mary speaks candidly about their decision to take a gap year and the growth she’s seen from both her boys, only a few months into their year off.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
What is a Gap Year & How Will it Benefit Me?
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
A gap year goes beyond the backpackers you see on Instagram travelling the world. It takes guts to step away from a “normal” path, but you will be that much closer to your goals by doing so. In this episode, I define the reality of a gap year vs. the Instagram version and I explain the gap year personas I’ve seen, the benefits of taking a year off, especially during a global pandemic and my top tips for having a successful year.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
A Climate Action Gap Year - Ideas and Tips from Kayne Boyall
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Kayne Boyall is a Climate Champion, passionate about the environment and speaks to us all about how to take action. He talks about climate action, sustainability and some ways you can make your gap year more Earth-friendly. He shares about how he was able to connect with local resources and groups with shared values. If climate change is important to you or you are looking to connect with others on ANY issue, this episode will help you have the confidence and tools to open doors to having an impact.
If you are looking for a community of like-minded gappers: Join OUR Gap Year Community

Monday Sep 07, 2020
FROSH WEEK & Alum Series: Sam Demma
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Sam Demma is a 20-year-old gap year alum and motivational speaker, podcast host of the High Performing Student and entrepreneur. Sam will be sharing his full story along with some tips and ticks for making an impact on your very own gap year at Gap Year Frosh Week. Make sure you don’t miss out!
In this episode Sam talks about how a physical injury and mental health downwards spiral pushed him into the most transformative experience of taking a gap year. He shares his personal journey, navigating this experience with his family and some sage advice for us all!

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Gapper Series – Looking Forward to Gapping in 2020 with Azmain Abrer
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Azmain is taking a gap year starting in September 2020. He just graduated from high school in Calgary, Alberta and decided that taking a year off was the best decision for him. He speaks candidly about making the decision, what he plans on doing and how he will use this time to learn, experience and grow a business.
The show notes do not do this conversation justice, so listen to Azmain’s wisdom!
Twitter: @azmainabrer

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Volunteering on your Gap Year with Lily Viggiano
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Many gappers want to volunteer on their gap year or feel like they should volunteer. Volunteering is a powerful way to use your gifts and talents in new ways, to build your experience and your resume and to find a sense of purpose. Lily shares how to get a volunteer placement, how to be successful in those placements and how to leverage your experience to connect, grow and become more involved in your community.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Last-minute tips for deciding on September Plans
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
We are in the final countdown before school starts. In previous years there was excitement and preparation, but many families this year are still in the uncomfortable and unwelcome position of deciding on next year’s plans – to go or not to go back to school. This episode, I take you inside OUR family’s decision-making process with what we are doing with our kids in September – I provide you with some of the questions we asked ourselves in coming to our decision.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tilt the Future in Your Favour with Karena DeSouza
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
As futurist and host of Tilt the Future Podcast, Karena current observes trends and signs in the world around us in order to see what the possible futures might look like. She doesn’t predict the future but rather uses current data to imagine what the future could look like – futurecasting. She is a global citizen having lived on multiple continents and now finds her joy in helping families Tilt the Future in their favour and imagine what could be possible for their futures.
In this episode we explore the future of work, future of education and how the skills developed on a gap year can actually tilt the future in your favour. We are in a very exciting time of change and young people are poised to lead how we all come out of this pandemic.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Why Take a 2020 Gap Year
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Deciding to take a gap year or not is no small decision.
CanGap has been supporting families all throughout COVID and I wanted to share some of the common things that families should be considering as they make this choice. We have heard these thigns from hundreds of families over the course of the last 4 months and wanted to share some thoughts with you.
Think about:
- The First Year Experience you want to have
- Financial Concerns
- Mental Health
- New Career/Educational Priorities
- COVID Instability & being responsive to changes
For more support:
- If you need help envisioning your gap year check out our upcoming free workshop
- If you need help exploring IF a gap year is the right choice for you, please book a free 30-minute call